Monday, August 30, 2010
Our Dioramas
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our Paraghraph Practice About Our Desk
Morning Mihi
Here is my mihi.
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tiheiwa mauriora
He mihi whanui tenei kai tatou katoa
Kia koe te rangatira e__________(their name who have started the karakia)
Tenei koe mo to mahi whakamoemiti ki to tatou matou i te rangi
Kia ora kotau
kua hui mai nei
ki tenei kura
I nga whakaaro pai ka nui te koa
mo to kotau kaingakau
ki te haere mai ke te ako i nga mahi
E pa ana ki tenei wananga
No reira tena katou,tena katou,tena ra tatou katoa.
Monday, August 23, 2010
10 facts About Jessica Watson

Jesse Martin Taking On The Globe

You maybe thinking Who is Jesse Martin? well he is now a 29 year old legend.He is a legend because in 1999 he was the youngest person to sail round the globe unassisted and nonstop.He has been through rough times.He had 5 knockdowns in a night but a lot more knockdowns in his journey.It took him 328 days to complete his Journey.
Sponge Bob Square Pants

Our class did a paragraph practice on Sponge Bob Square Pants here is what I wrote.
Thank You
I would like to say thank you to all the teachers that have help with netball.Here is some girls from the Acese and Crew 2 and that like to say thank you.
Friday, August 20, 2010
My favourite Movies are...
Our Boardgame Friut island
Gabrielle, Ocean, Mui and myself have beencreating a board game using one of the Multiple intelligences. We used Visual/spatial which is Art smart. It was based on a story about fruit called 'Fruit Island'. We started off with drawing our plan which I did and Mui drew our plan onto cardboard. Once that was finished Gabrielle, Ocean and myself helped to colour it in. Then Mui came up with a great idea to put blue vivid on the outsides to make it stand out. I created the little objects to move like a counter. We had a creative way to design the a dice it was like a twister board but with numbers and an arrow in the middle so it can point at a number. Mui then wrote the instructions down in a cardboard cut out. maybe you would want to play it. After everyt

My Passion For Music

I have a Passion for Music. I like any kind for Music but my favourite type of music is Rock and R&B.
My family also has a passion for music my mum sings and my dad plays the guitars and also my oldest brother.My sister loves music she sing to it a lot to the songs.My baby brothers like to song as well.Friday, August 13, 2010
Immersion Assemblies
An Immersion Assembly is when all of our teachers dress up to support our new topic for the term. We have an Immersion Assembly the first day of every term.
The most memorable Immersion Assembly for me was ‘Dino Might’. It was spectacular because all of the teachers costumes were very creative. I think the best dressed teacher was Miss Lavakula because she was a paleontologist and she was looking for fossils .
My favorite Immersion Assembly was ‘Get In Behind’ because Mr Burt used a tractor to make himself look like a farmer and also cardboard cutouts of sheep behind the truck to make it look like a farm. It is was very funny.
The next topic I would like to learn about is illnesses and medication. I really cant wait until the next Immersion Assembly because they are fun.
My Mum
My mum is one of a kind. She is supportive and also helpful. My mum has many different jobs besides being a mother to 6 children. She used to work as a smokefree coach and also a HPV health promoter. Her job now is to raise cervical cancer awareness.
My mum is multi talented. She is a weaver and she creates baskets,flowers actually different kind of flowers and also bags and mats with harakeke (flax). She has showed our family so when she needs help with her raranga classes asked our family.I love my mum,she is the best. I am so lucky to have a kind and caring mum.
My Home Town

My Home Town is Te Puke, Maketu down Tauranga.That is where the big kiwi fruit is and also where Mt Maunganui is.My dad comes from there and also my koro (grandfather).
Our marae is on the coast line of Maketu beach. My marae is called Whakaue.Maketu is famous for its pies and it surf club aswell as there fresh fish and chips.
Activities with Mr Ballin
This term our class has been going to Tamaki Collage for some games ans challenges with Mr Ballin every Friday.
Last week we did a games to start off with.We played Blob it is when you have to pick a panther hold hands.Then people have to run around and the people that are in they have to tag all the other people.
Once that was finish we did a challenge our panthers had to do face to face but across the gym one person on the other side of the gym and the other one had to go across the other side of the gym.We had to make a leader and then we had to run in between each other.But there was a twist if we put both of our feet in between two people then we have to start again.
When that challenge was finished we went to the back of the gym and then over to the school meare by the deck.Then Mr Ballin came us instructions for another challenge.There are two chairs in the middle of the grass and we had a platform.The challenge was for our whole class to get over to the other side of the chairs that is in the middle of the grass.But there was another twist.The platform that we had it wasn’t allowed to touch the grass or the chairs that were on the grass.We all talk about what we were going to get our class to the other side of the chairs.
Our plan was to hang the platform off the side of the and have some people hold the end of the platform.Then people walk over and jump off the end of it to the other side.We all did the same thing then most of our class got over but then Raven was the last person to come it wasn’t easy for him because the other people had to hold the platform for him but then we weren’t finished we had to bring the platform over to the side that we were at.When we did that we all celebrated with cheering and laughter.
We all had fun and we were all talking about how we could improve it and how awsome it was completing it.I myself had fun I love going down to Tamaki Collage it is fun.
Here is a little movie about what we did at Tamaki Collage with Mr Ballin.