Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Birthday
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Interzone Athletics

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Juinors Book Report Miss Spider's Tea Party
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Surf life saving at Mairangi

On Friday the year 7s went to Miarangi Bay to learn about Surf life saving. We arrived at the beach it was very windy we sat down waiting for Rosie( the lifeguard ) to come down to get us. I felt really cold the wind came harder and harder we walk up some stairs we walked in to the club house we all sat down. There were three lifeguards standing in front of the room. They introduced their selves and told us was what we were doing that day. Later on that day we played some games first we played octopus and then we played captain coming. I was so tried when I got tired someone touched me and then I got out. A little while later we went back up to the club house and we got our lunch. I grab Jonty’s ball and grab a bunch of girls then we played touch a little while later the whistle went we all gathered around Ms M it was time for us to have a swim the girls got the tubes first and the boys got the boards we all ran into the water like we were fighting in a battle. A little while later we swooped over the girls got the boards and the boys got the tubes. All I did with the board was just relax and lay on it and drift away. We all had so get out of the water and walk up to where the hose was and get rinsed down. It was all most time to do back to school I got changed and every body lined up outside the bus waiting to go in. I had a really great time there it was awesome.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Jumping Spiders

The jumping spiders is called Puwerewere Hupeke in Maori. A spider has two body partsthe head and the abdomen. The Jumping Spider has 8 legs but no antennae. They live in the open country. When they fight they jump upon thier enamy and prey. Their preys are small insects and bugs.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The netbooks have arrived

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The netbooks have arrived

Monday, November 8, 2010
The Girls' Day Out at Sylvia Park
We entered the train. In front of me I noticed a group of people gathering. They were all standing because there were no seats. The train headed off. We turned to corner. While the train was turning Reina fall over. Julie, Shontal and I were laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.
We finally arrived at Sylvia Park. The girls and I were walking around in and out shops. I brought a jersey and a pair of jandals. It was 12:26 when we decided to go to the movies.
First we flicked through the movies to see what we should watch. We came across Despicable Me. Reina had not seen the movie. So we all agreed to watch it. Julie and Shontal brought our tickets. We were in the Xtreme -Screen at seats 30-33. Shontal and Julie brought us a packet of Skittles and Maltesers. A while later the movie started. When the movie finished we went into the arcade room.
We noticed a photo booth. So we quickly took a couple of photos. I saw a game called grab a toy. I won a brown fluffy teddy bear.
That day was very cool. The funniest part was when Reina fell over. I was just full of laughter.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Touch Rugby @ Dunkirk

Last week on Thursday the Year 7s Touch Rugby team went down to Dunkirk. We had to play 6 games.
We won 5 and drew 1. Over all we came second out of the mixed teams .
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Awahou school welcome

Last week on Wednesday a school from Fielding called Awahou School came to Pt England. Shontal and Shaniah greeted them into our school with a karanga and the kapa haka group preformed for them. We also went around introducing ourselves to the children and teachers of Awahou school after that Room 20 took them for a tour around the school. When that was finished we went back to the hall for a little shared lunched and then the school had to go, so we gave them a big farewell and they headed off. I was really cool having another school coming to visit us I hope they can come back again.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Acknowleging photos from the web
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fia Fia Techtonic
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Rippa Rugby
Tick tock, time go by. It was almost time for us to leave school and go to Eden Park , but we had to get everyone inside the staff room so we can talk about the rules. Once that was finished we all got our Tag belts on and also our tags. We were still at school but we had to challenge the year 6s . The year 7 and Pesi won against the year 6s.
Next we went back to the staff room at school and we got ready to go on the bus to go to Eden Park. When the bus stopped on the side of the road.
We had to get out of the bus. We all got together and started to walking. We got at Eden park we all had to get our bags checked I got through once everyone got through we found our guides men and he gave us our England T-shirts. Everyone walked down the stairs and found us a sit. Once we found our sits we all got ready to play. The year 5 and 6s played at the same time as the year 7s. We sat in front of the team we were playing against. Wesley Intermediate. They were Italy I look through there team and I found out that they didn’t have any girls.
It was almost our time to play. We all got ready and lined up it was very cold. We made our way to field 3 we warmed up. I felt a shiver down my spin because I was cold and nervous. Ms Va’fusuganga out all the boys on first but there wasn’t enough so Pesi and Myself went on. It was our ball. Zane taped the ball and then he pass it to Feki and he sliped. later on in the game it was Italy had the ball. This boy had a run away I was chasing after him but then Tamati ran in front of him and he pulled his tag off. Even later on in the game this other boy had a run away again I was chasing after him and I manged to pull his tag off and when I did that I sliped. The Final score was 2 all. Once the game was finished we took a team photo and Italy joined us and we all took a photo.
Later on that day it was time for the big game Auckland vs Wellington. At the end of that day Auckland WON!!!!!!!. I got a flag and a ball that represented Auckland.
What I Am Looking Forward To Next Term
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Efective paragraph practices about Fleas

Fleas are annoying pests. They jump around and BIT BIT BIT until it gets in to yFleas are annoying pests. They jump around and BIT BIT BIT until it gets in to your skin and then drink your blood. Once they do that you will scratch crazy.our skin and then drink your blood. Once they do that you will scratch crazy.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Our Dioramas
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our Paraghraph Practice About Our Desk
Morning Mihi
Here is my mihi.
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tiheiwa mauriora
He mihi whanui tenei kai tatou katoa
Kia koe te rangatira e__________(their name who have started the karakia)
Tenei koe mo to mahi whakamoemiti ki to tatou matou i te rangi
Kia ora kotau
kua hui mai nei
ki tenei kura
I nga whakaaro pai ka nui te koa
mo to kotau kaingakau
ki te haere mai ke te ako i nga mahi
E pa ana ki tenei wananga
No reira tena katou,tena katou,tena ra tatou katoa.
Monday, August 23, 2010
10 facts About Jessica Watson

Jesse Martin Taking On The Globe

You maybe thinking Who is Jesse Martin? well he is now a 29 year old legend.He is a legend because in 1999 he was the youngest person to sail round the globe unassisted and nonstop.He has been through rough times.He had 5 knockdowns in a night but a lot more knockdowns in his journey.It took him 328 days to complete his Journey.
Sponge Bob Square Pants

Our class did a paragraph practice on Sponge Bob Square Pants here is what I wrote.
Thank You
I would like to say thank you to all the teachers that have help with netball.Here is some girls from the Acese and Crew 2 and that like to say thank you.
Friday, August 20, 2010
My favourite Movies are...
Our Boardgame Friut island
Gabrielle, Ocean, Mui and myself have beencreating a board game using one of the Multiple intelligences. We used Visual/spatial which is Art smart. It was based on a story about fruit called 'Fruit Island'. We started off with drawing our plan which I did and Mui drew our plan onto cardboard. Once that was finished Gabrielle, Ocean and myself helped to colour it in. Then Mui came up with a great idea to put blue vivid on the outsides to make it stand out. I created the little objects to move like a counter. We had a creative way to design the a dice it was like a twister board but with numbers and an arrow in the middle so it can point at a number. Mui then wrote the instructions down in a cardboard cut out. maybe you would want to play it. After everyt

My Passion For Music

I have a Passion for Music. I like any kind for Music but my favourite type of music is Rock and R&B.
My family also has a passion for music my mum sings and my dad plays the guitars and also my oldest brother.My sister loves music she sing to it a lot to the songs.My baby brothers like to song as well.Friday, August 13, 2010
Immersion Assemblies
An Immersion Assembly is when all of our teachers dress up to support our new topic for the term. We have an Immersion Assembly the first day of every term.
The most memorable Immersion Assembly for me was ‘Dino Might’. It was spectacular because all of the teachers costumes were very creative. I think the best dressed teacher was Miss Lavakula because she was a paleontologist and she was looking for fossils .
My favorite Immersion Assembly was ‘Get In Behind’ because Mr Burt used a tractor to make himself look like a farmer and also cardboard cutouts of sheep behind the truck to make it look like a farm. It is was very funny.
The next topic I would like to learn about is illnesses and medication. I really cant wait until the next Immersion Assembly because they are fun.
My Mum
My mum is one of a kind. She is supportive and also helpful. My mum has many different jobs besides being a mother to 6 children. She used to work as a smokefree coach and also a HPV health promoter. Her job now is to raise cervical cancer awareness.
My mum is multi talented. She is a weaver and she creates baskets,flowers actually different kind of flowers and also bags and mats with harakeke (flax). She has showed our family so when she needs help with her raranga classes asked our family.I love my mum,she is the best. I am so lucky to have a kind and caring mum.
My Home Town

My Home Town is Te Puke, Maketu down Tauranga.That is where the big kiwi fruit is and also where Mt Maunganui is.My dad comes from there and also my koro (grandfather).
Our marae is on the coast line of Maketu beach. My marae is called Whakaue.Maketu is famous for its pies and it surf club aswell as there fresh fish and chips.
Activities with Mr Ballin
This term our class has been going to Tamaki Collage for some games ans challenges with Mr Ballin every Friday.
Last week we did a games to start off with.We played Blob it is when you have to pick a panther hold hands.Then people have to run around and the people that are in they have to tag all the other people.
Once that was finish we did a challenge our panthers had to do face to face but across the gym one person on the other side of the gym and the other one had to go across the other side of the gym.We had to make a leader and then we had to run in between each other.But there was a twist if we put both of our feet in between two people then we have to start again.
When that challenge was finished we went to the back of the gym and then over to the school meare by the deck.Then Mr Ballin came us instructions for another challenge.There are two chairs in the middle of the grass and we had a platform.The challenge was for our whole class to get over to the other side of the chairs that is in the middle of the grass.But there was another twist.The platform that we had it wasn’t allowed to touch the grass or the chairs that were on the grass.We all talk about what we were going to get our class to the other side of the chairs.
Our plan was to hang the platform off the side of the and have some people hold the end of the platform.Then people walk over and jump off the end of it to the other side.We all did the same thing then most of our class got over but then Raven was the last person to come it wasn’t easy for him because the other people had to hold the platform for him but then we weren’t finished we had to bring the platform over to the side that we were at.When we did that we all celebrated with cheering and laughter.
We all had fun and we were all talking about how we could improve it and how awsome it was completing it.I myself had fun I love going down to Tamaki Collage it is fun.
Here is a little movie about what we did at Tamaki Collage with Mr Ballin.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Jarryd Letto
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Best Friend

Gabby and I have been friends for a very long time and Both of us would like it to stay like that.
We have been throught rought times and goods times but we are still friends.Thats why I like my friend Gabby very much we are good togther.
My friend is Gabrielle,she is really great and funny at times I like my best friend she is the best.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My favorite singer.

My favourite singer is Haley Williams because of her talent and the songs she sings, she sings with her band called Paramore. My favourite songs that they sing is careful. Another thing I like about Haley Williams is that her hair has so many funky colors in it, like red, orange, blond, yellow. I think every thing about her is cool.

Friday, July 2, 2010
Being the Champs

It was the last week of term 2 and it is on Tuseday our team aces is getting ready for our netball game we got to the courts and started to warm up.
We were playing agiants Holly Cross agian because this was our first game in the championship.
I felt nervuos because we won agiants them in our gradings games and they might have in proved.
It was the time to play the game it was my ball so that means I had to play it.
I threw the bal later on the game we were wining on the first quater and the second and the third and the last quater Mrs Nua told us not to let them get a goal we tryed so hard but they only got three goals in that quater at the end of the game the score was 21-8 to us.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Netball update
Magic vs Pulse

The fight is on for the final four, Magic and Pulse had a really good game it look really tough and the last team they need in there way was Central Pulse.But after three losing games New Zealand big hope.The pulse was a head 1 goal in the first quarter, near half time it look like Magic got the break they they were up a six goal lead.The Pulse grew in confidence Pulse was 2 behind the final score was 58-52 to Magic.
Our First Game
Our games have been really great I have found out that we have won two games so that means that we are on year 7 flight 2 .
The first game our score is 7 nil and that was really awesome game .
Our next game they were really hard we played Santic Maria it was a really tough game but we came on top the score was 7 - 8 and we won by one .
I was so proud of the team and how they played on the day .
Player of the day
This year I have been the player of the day four times, twice for the school netball team and twice for the club Lorenz.I was the first person to get the trophy in our age group team J1 for the club. I played Center and our team coach said that I played really great around the circle and I had really great passes.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mt Taranaki Legend DLO
We looked at a movie and it was about Mt Taranaki. Our class had to retell the legend any way we wanted to.
I had a group full of girls, they were Gabby, Etta, Ocean and myself. We worked really well and we completed it on time.
We used green screen with puppets but the green screening didn't work out right. We still finished it on time and we learnt that next time we wont use green screen.
I'm proud of my group and our mark, it was 17 out of 25. I learnt from my mistakes and for the next DLO it will be better than this one!
Here is our assessment rubric for the Mt Taranaki DLO

Friday, April 23, 2010
Beauty And Jack
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
KPE Episode 251
Have a look and see if you like to order this book to find out what happens at the end.